May 2, 2012

Don’t pack up your camera until you’ve left the location. 撮影場所を離れるまでカメラを片付けないこと。

Tugboat passing through the Asashio canal. 朝潮運河のタグボート
RAW(1/80 sec F3.5 ISO 80) + Photoshop

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" I spent three days photographing Linus Pauling at his house in Big Sur and came up with some reasonable—but hardly exciting—pictures. Came time to leave and I had a Nikon FM2 still out, Kodachrome loaded, and a 20mm lens sitting on the front seat of the car.

Linus went to open the gate, and one of his frisky kittens scampered up the fencepost and onto his shoulder. I nearly broke my leg charging the scene. I got three frames before the cat got bored (or freaked out by my lunatic charge). I had the lead to the story just seconds before I was about to leave.

The fog turns the light into a softbox, so I shot it with just straight natural light. " P.14 Moment It Clicks

(3日間の撮影を終えた帰り際に、ライナス・ポーリングの肩に飛び乗った猫を、車の座席にあったNikon FM2で撮影しました。 - ジョー・マクナリー)

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Moment It Clicks: The Photography secrets from one of the world's top shooters

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